
Juniperus chinensis unglazed round pot 15cm, height ~20cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Chinese juniper - Japan

Pinus parviflora semi-cascade unglazed pot 26cm, height ~48cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan

Pinus parviflora unglazed rectangular pot 21cm, height ~48cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan

Article code 6028
in stock
Garden tree - Japanese yew - Japan** The price does not include transport cost (it is also possible to come and pick it up ) Please contact us for shipping pricing.
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Taxus Cuspidata ca 2.70 meter
Garden tree - Japanese yew - Japan** The price does not include transport cost (it is also possible to come and pick it up ) Please contact us for shipping pricing.

Pinus parviflora ongeglazuurde ronde pot 12cm, height ~24cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan

Article code 4057-3-Pinus
in stock
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan
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Pinus parviflora blue oval pot 13cm, height ~34cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan

Chamaecyparis obtusa terracotta pot 13cm, height ~24cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Hinoki cypress -Japan

Pinus parviflora unglazed octagon pot 29cm, hoogte ~45cm
Outdoor bonsai - Japanese white pine - Japan

Podocarpus macrophylla blue rectangular pot 20cm, height ~40cm
Buiten Bonsai - Buddhist pine - China

Juniperus chinensis unglazed round pot 15cm, height ~23cm
Outdoor Bonsai - Chinese juniper - Japan